Tag Archives: exercise

Or not…

Today was meant to be the triumphant start of my new year new me plan. Problem is, it’s nearly 12 o’clock and the only thing I’ve managed to accomplish so far is washing my hair. Not quite the start I’d hoped for.

As usual, I picked a day when I was suddenly going to turn into super woman. No longer would I loll around in bed all morning, instead I’d be up with the sun and being wide awake and happy. But that definitely did not happen.

Today was also the start of my new healthy eating lifestyle, not a diet because that’s temporary but instead a total change in my eating habits. I wasn’t expecting too much at all then…

The new eating habits will hopefully serve a purpose. I’ll be twenty one at the end of this month and the dress I’ve bought for my party demands a rather more toned figure than I currently have. So that’s 26 days to discover a well of will power so far totally hidden from me and become a toned goddess. Right. Totally attainable.

Finally, today I really really really needed to start work on my dissertation. But that hasn’t happened either and to be honest I’m not sure it will. I just have no idea where to start! The vague subject area is Kurt Gerstein, a Christian who joined the SS to resist the Nazis, but what I’m going to do with him I have no idea! I’m sure it will come to me at some point but the deadline for a title seems so much scarily closer this side of Christmas.

On the job searching front, the vague reason for starting a blog, there’s absolutely nothing to report. Applications for a graduate scheme I was vaguely thinking about closed yesterday, with my application notable only by its absence. There’s always next year right?

Any suggestions for what I should do with my life would be gratefully received.

Confused student.